Sell your property successfully this spring

Spring and summer are the time to put your house on the market. However most of WA is still a buyer’s market. As a result you need to tick all the boxes to sell your property successfully this spring. Therefore if you want to know what you can do to make your property stand out and attract the best price, read on.
Put the buyers specs on
Some houses just achieve better sales while seemingly similar houses stay on the market. Of course, you wonder what makes the difference. It is often the little things that make or break the deal. For example a fresh, clean and well maintained property easily achieves a few thousand dollars more than the equally sized house next door. It is, however, hard to see your own home through buyer’s eyes. Consequently you are better off to ask a friend or relative instead for an inspection if you want to sell your property successfully – but make sure not to kill the messenger.
First impressions count
You know the old adage “You never get a second chance to make a first impression!” All potential buyers drive past your house before they come for a viewing. Therefore, make sure they like what they see. Firstly, tidy up those weeds on the front yard. Secondly mow and water the lawn. Thirdly, maybe invest $50 in a new house number. It helps if people can find your house easily and looks nicer. Also, the kid’s toys, the make-shift shoe-shelf: Move them, hide them, lose them, but don’t let them be the first impression.
Make your front porch neat and inviting, for example add some fresh plants, clean the windows, fences and gutters. Also, give them a fresh coat of paint if need be. That is because a little make-over doesn’t break the bank, but it will make a hell of a difference to people driving past and will make your property stand out in the crowded market and consequently to sell your property successfully.
You hear clutter and think mess. But that is not all. You don’t need to be a hoarder to have a house full of distractions. That is because most houses these days are full of clutter and gadgets. If you want your property to appeal to potential buyers, make them feel comfortable. Firstly, move those personal items, the sport trophies, the curious collections. Vases, dust catchers, countless picture frames, holiday memories, little creatures – fairies, butterflies or porcelain dolls? Lose them! Seriously – it is okay to love them and to showcase them – once the property is sold. Potential buyers are supposed to remember the great outdoors, the spacious kitchen and all the other lovely features of your house – not your collectables.
Secondly, if your storage cupboards are overflowing – empty them. A lack of storage space is a major turnoff for prospective owners. Therefore you want to aim for the display home look. Clear out excess furniture. Make things match. Invest in one of these sets of cushions, throws, and paintings that just go together. If you8 want to sell your property successfully, the point is not to sell your home but their future dream house. So make sure to remove personal items and personal taste and replace them with a white canvas of possibilities. To sum it up: let your buyers dream up their style and secure a great property price.
Give your kitchen the long-needed make-over
It might sound counter-intuitive to invest in a property that you want to sell. However you put on make-up when you go out, don’t you? Well, we recommend, you do the same with your house. Make it pretty and shiny before you show it to the world. We don’t mean spending $30,000 and more on a brand new designer kitchen. But how about a couple of thousands to make your kitchen shine like one? This is because the kitchen is the heart of your home. No other addition or change to your house has such an impact as the kitchen. Therefore if you want to increase the sale-ability of your property and sell your property successfully, , you need to update your kitchen.
In most cases the structure and layout of the kitchens are still fine and only the colour and finish are outdated. We can re-paint these kitchens and givwe them a whole new life. Therefore if you have a vinyl wrapped kitchen, a timber kitchen or even a Formica kitchen, we can make it look brand-new for the fraction of the cost of a new one.
Firstly, give your kitchen a fresh coat of paint, secondly replace old fashioned handles and knobs and last but not least finish the make-over off with a stylish kettle and toaster and a bunch of flowers. You’ll be amazed at the difference it makes and your buyers will be impressed by the seemingly new kitchen, a key selling point for many.
Do you want to know, if we can give your kitchen a make-over? Simply give us a ring on: +61 8 9303 2176 to arrange for an obligation free visit or request a quote online here:
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