Say Goodbye to Your Kitchen Storage Problems

Date:  December 9, 2019


Categories:  Renovating, Tips

say goodbye to kitchen storage problems when you renovate your kitchen

Kitchens are the heart and hub of your home. Sometimes, or quite often to be honest, that heart gets a bit messy. But when it comes to kitchen renovation, storage often is not on the list. Colour, handles, splashback and benchtop get a facelift, but the storage doesn’t make it on the list. Storage might not sound chic or sexy, but it actually is the key feature. So if you want to have that timeless neat and clean look, your first step is: Say goodbye to your kitchen storage problems. Read on to learn about the three best storage add-ons for every kitchen.

Kitchens are not only the most used, high traffic area in the home, they also house a massive amount of tools, kitchen aides and gadgets these days. Starting with the fully automatic coffee machine and your smoothie blender; continuing with your spices grinder, iPad / recipe holder and last but not least your spices and herbs collection. You need them all, but you don’t want them all on your counter, all the time.

If you are aiming for the contemporary clean and minimalistic look, that’s trending for the last few years (no end to that one in sight), then you need all these items handy but out of sight. In other words: You need storage.

  1. Decorative Open Shelves

Intuitively you want to hide it all away, but there are items which just give your kitchen the personal touch without appearing messy. Cookbooks and herbs are typical additions that give your kitchen that homely feel without the clutter. And of course, you can’t store fresh herbs in the cupboard.

The good news is: Open shelving is the easiest and most affordable addition to your kitchen. Use that extra wall space and simply decide, if you want to get them spray-painted to match the exact finish of your existing cabinets or choose some colour to make them stand out.

  1. Drawers, Drawers and Drawers

Drawers make your life easy. It is that simple. In cabinet drawers allow you to9 use the entire volume without having to stack, bend and squeeze and most importantly: without having to take everything else out of the cupboard just to get to that one pot hidden in the back. Cabinet drawers come in a huge variety and can be customised to suit your needs. Mike, our in-house cabinetmaker, can fir drawers to your existing cabinets and design them individually. Choose between side access, top access, double drawers, pull-out drawers or such that are attached to your existing door. The options are indeed unlimited. Be amazed how easily accessible everything is. Once you got drawers installed throughout your kitchen you will wonder how you ever did without.

  1. Add a Pull-Out Pantry

Rarely ever have we had a customer, who said “I got enough storage!” Make it never ever. While you cannot change the layout of your kitchen without lots of work and dirt – and often enough plumbing, there is an easy storage addition that can be added to most kitchens: A pull-out pantry. Pantry storage systems start as narrow as 150 mm, but offer an unbelievable amount of space. If you have more space, you can add a 60 deep and 60 wide pull-out pantry storage system with individual top to ceiling drawers – which will basically add the same volume as a walk in pantry.

Think bottles and spices, dustpans and brooms; sauces, canned foods, such as baked beans and pureed tomatoes; containers of cereals and nuts, coffee pots, tea bags, flours and condiments – all neatly stored away, but right there when you need them at a pull of your hands or tip of your fingers.

And of course it can not only be customised and fitted to your space but also colour matched to your existing cupboards. Say goodbye to your kitchen storage problems. Simply give us a call on 93032176 or click here to book an obligation free quote appointment.

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