Kitchen Refinishing: Why It Shouldn’t Be Done In Your Home

Date:  October 12, 2015


Categories:  Renovating

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The kitchen is the heart of the home, which means it is also one of the most well used rooms. The constant hustle and bustle within a kitchen means the wear and tear of its cabinets is often most noticeable. When kitchen cabinets start getting tired and worn it is usually time for a change.


If you start researching different ways of replacing or upgrading your cabinets you will notice there are a number of different options that are available to you. Resurfacing, reglazing, refinishing and re-enameling are all popular suggestions for upgrading your kitchen. However, many people think refinishing your kitchen cabinets is an easy D-I-Y job that can be done in your house. We want to highlight some of the reasons why your kitchen should not be repainted in your home and why it’s worth getting your cabinets removed and painted at a professional polish shop.


Don’t turn your home into a work site

Kitchen refinishing can often be a long process. Whether you’re just updating the cabinets, or doing a complete kitchen makeover, it takes time to get your perfect kitchen. When your cabinets are painted in house by a professional it turns your house into a work site. Early starts, residual dust and paint particles and loud tradesmen stomping through your house and not to mention the long lasting smell of paint – if you get your cabinets painted in your home, it becomes a work site.


Uncontrolled Environment

Have you ever tried to paint a piece of furniture and think you’ve done a great job until you notice the smallest grain of sand that has been caught between the wood and the paint? No matter how hard you try, that little piece of sand is the only thing you notice and it’s almost impossible to remove? Even when you are working with a clean area and space, unless it’s a controlled environment it’s almost impossible to keep your work area and project clean and safe from particles that can get stuck in the paint. When your cabinets are removed and brought in to a workshop such as Dianella Polishing, your cabinets are painted in a controlled spray booth which ensures they aren’t contaminated and are painted to perfection!


Water-based Paint

Maybe you have thought about painting your cabinets yourself. A quick touch up and a small D-I-Y job to give your cabinets a fresh lease on life. Paints that can be purchased at your local hardware store are typically water-based paints, the same type that are used on your walls. Unlike professional 2 pac paint, water based painted is not made to withstand the wear and tear, and extreme temperatures that are associated with your kitchen cabinets. The finish of a water based paint also isn’t as professional or long lasting as the 2 pac paint that is used by a professional polish shop. Though this may be a short term solution to your tired cabinets, in the long run you will just be back in the same place you started!


If you are considering refinishing your kitchen cabinets but you’re unsure on where to start, leave us a comment below! We are happy to answer any questions you have in regards to kitchen refinishing.

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