How to save on your kitchen renovation quote

Date:  October 28, 2019


Categories:  Kitchen Facelift, Painting, Renovating, Tips, Uncategorised

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We know you don’t like to waste money on a kitchen renovation. The good news is you don’t have to. We offer our clients maximum participation. The more you do yourself, the more money you save. This way you can give your kitchen a makeover without compromising on quality. So read on to know how to save on your kitchen renovation quote.

  1. Dismantle the cabinets

It’s stating the obvious for some. But even “professionals” do it: Painting cabinets in loco. In loco means: where they are, as they are. Needless to say, the result does not look great. Never does. You cannot paint cabinets in place. Even if you tried, you can’t properly mask off hinges and door handles. You won’t be able to paint the edges neatly. But you will have a crazy mess in your kitchen. It’s a no go. So we simply don’t do it.  We have a cabinet maker that will dismantle your cabinets. Alternatively you can do it yourself. When Trevor comes out simply ask him to show you how it is done. You will see taking off side panels, doors and drawer fronts of your cabinets is actually fairly easy. In a few hours you have taken them all off and saved a few hundred dollars already.

  1. Removing hinges and door handles

Another great time saver for us and hence a money saver for you, is removing hinges and door handles. We can mask them up in the factory, but this is a very time consuming job and does not achieve the best results either. Therefore we recommend removing all door handles, door knobs and hinges before we paint the actual doors. All you need is a screwdriver and a couple of hours of time.

  1. Labelling

The labelling of the parts goes hand in hand with the previous two points but it is so important we thought we stress it here. You need to label all parts you dismantle. All parts: Side and end panels. Doors. Drawer fronts. Door handles. Hinges. Label them. We recommend drawing a sketch or road map of your kitchen and numbering all parts. You might not see a difference with the bare eye when comparing two doors to one another, but once you try to make them fit, you’ll notice there is a difference. As a result it is crucial to ensure every part goes back to its former position. Simply start in one corner e.g. top left and count it down from there: 1, 2, 3, etc. – a diagram might help to remember later if you forget where you started or turned.

  1. Cleaning

The kitchen is a work space. You cook, bake and fry in it. You probably have done so for quite some time. Your cabinets tell the tales of a thousand meals. Before we can paint them they need to be thoroughly cleaned. We recommend vinegar and a simple dry cloth. The vinegar is not only environmentally friendly it also works with all substrates. Simply wipe down all surfaces to remove grease and dust. Frequently rinse your cloth with warm water to remove the debris and return to the cabinetry.

  1. Removing peeling vinyl

If you have peeling vinyl cabinets there is another way how you can save lots of money. Before we can paint your kitchen all vinyl needs to be removed – regardless if it is already peeling or still sticking smoothly to your cabinets. To remove the vinyl is as easy as peeling a banana. You just grab the vinyl and lift it off where the sheets have already started to peel. To help you save money, we even prepared a nice video showing you how to do it here.

  1. Reassembling

The final step is to reassemble the kitchen. As you have already guessed, yes we do have a cabinetmaker that specialises in it. However if you want to save yourself up to a couple of thousand dollars, you can easily do it yourself.

Clients that do as much themselves as possible save on average $3,500 on their kitchen remodel without sacrificing quality. So what are you waiting for, now that you know how to save on your kitchen renovation quote, give us a call on (08) 9303 2176 or click here to request an obligation-free quote. Don’t forget to ask for the best quote ever?

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