Costs of painting your kitchen

Date:  August 3, 2021


Categories:  Kitchen Facelift, Painting, Tips

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Costs of painting your kitchen

Do you wonder what the costs of painting your kitchen are? Are you worried a new kitchen would cost you an arm and a leg? Keep calm and read on. At Dianella Polishing we can help you keep the price down. We broke down the costs of painting your kitchen into seven separate items (plus one). And the best news is: If you do it right, you pay only one out of seven.

The costs of painting your kitchen depend on the size of your kitchen. There is no “one price fits all” solution. However, everyone can ditch as many as six out of seven pricy options while getting the identical result. These are the seven items that a kitchen re-painting service can be broken down to:

  1. Quote, consultation, and measurement
  2. Taking off the doors of your kitchen and Drawer fronts
  3. Delivery to the factory
  4. Removing peeling vinyl
  5. Prep and paint the doors
  6. Return delivery to the customer
  7. Installing the doors back to the kitchen’s body. (Let’s keep the bonus one for last.)

Each of the above positions has a price tag attached to it. Now the trick is choosing a company that is transparent. At Dianella Polishing we let you choose if you want to pay for a service or not. As a matter of fact, of the seven positions above, we can wave up to six! Yes, up to six of the above positions can be waved, saving you thousands of dollars. Let’s look at it in detail:

Quote consultation and measurement

This is a simple one. We don’t charge for quotes. Other companies have a call-out fee. Ikea has a design fee of $100 before you even buy a single item. At Dianella Polishing we want you to be comfortable and choose. So our quote appointment comes with no strings attached. We come out and look at your kitchen. We tell you what can and can’t be done and we give you an itemised quote.

Taking off the doors of your kitchen and Drawer fronts

So you have decided to go ahead. The first and most obvious point about painting your kitchen is: We need it in our factory, not the whole kitchen, but the drawer fronts and cabinet doors. They are easily taken off and unscrewed. However, this process still takes at least an afternoon. We can send our cabinetmaker. You pay his hourly rate and depending on the size of the kitchen pay between $500 and $2000 for his work. Alternatively: Do it yourself. It is easy as and we show you what and how to do during the quote appointment.

Delivery to the factory

Once the kitchen doors are taken off, they still need to get to the factory. If our cabbie took them off, he will load them in his ute, secure them and drop them off in Wangara. No hassle for you. But a price tag of course. Add another couple of hundreds to your bill or do it yourself, grab a trailer, and save even more.

Removing peeling vinyl

Many of our customers have vinyl-wrapped kitchen doors, some of which are peeling. Before we can re-paint the doors to give them a new life, they need to be stripped of the peeling vinyl coating. And guess what, it is as easy as peeling a banana. You can do it yourself in a couple of hours – or pay us to do it.

Prep and paint the doors

Well, here it is: The preparation and painting of the doors and drawer fronts is a job for the pros. At Dianella Polishing we have a dedicated spray booth to professionally spray paint your kitchen. We use professional 2-pac paint. This guarantees a professional, long-lasting finish that is scratch-, heat-, and water-resistant. There is a price tag to it. You get what you pay for. The good news is: We tell you right from the start.  In the first appointment, you make with us, we measure your kitchen and quote the costs for painting your kitchen. You pay exactly that and not a cent more. Promised.

Return delivery to the customer

We let you know when we have finished your doors. You choose: Do you want us to come by and drop them off at your place? Or do you want to ditch yet another item on the bill and pick them up yourself?

Installing the doors back to kitchen body

Almost done, all you need is the cabinet doors and drawer fronts to be reattached to your cabinets. You guessed by now: You can have our cabinet maker do it for you. Depending on the size of your kitchen this might add up to be a couple of grants. Or you roll up your sleeves and do it yourself.

If you followed the above, you noticed, the costs of painting your kitchen can vary substantially. You can choose a service provider, who just does it all for you. Or you can choose Dianella Polishing’s transparent service and only pay for what you really want.

Last but not least, the bonus item we mentioned at the beginning of this guide: Having an as-new kitchen for as little as $2500 and being able to say, “I did it” is priceless. Click here to email Trevor for your obligation-free appointment.

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