4 steps to plan a successful kitchen makeover

A kitchen makeover is the renovation trend number one at the moment. It is quickly done, cost-effective has a low carbon footprint, and adds lots of value to your property. However, if you just dive into it, a kitchen makeover can be simply disastrous. If you want to make sure your kitchen remodel is a stunning success story, read on. In our Kitchen Makeover Minis-Series, you’ll learn: ‘the 4 steps to plan a successful kitchen makeover’, ‘how-to Kitchen makeover for profit’, and the ‘kitchen makeover trends for 2021’.
Kitchen renovations are not one size fits all. Houses differ and personal taste does too. Some like to entertain; others don’t. Some want storage others like a statement. No matter what your preferences or circumstances are, the first step is the same for everyone. Or at least, it should be. A great kitchen makeover starts with great planning. Before we get to work, before we choose colours, or splashbacks: At the very beginning of every successful project stands great planning. So before we recommend some general smart choices for every kitchen re-model, we would like to show you how to find the best choices for your own home. It only takes 4 steps to plan a successful kitchen makeover.
Step 1: deep clean your kitchen
Like it or not: Potential buyers do actually open doors, drawers, and cupboards. They check the usability and functionality of your property. Needless to say, that grease and breadcrumbs are a major turn-off for new buyers. Before you even start your kitchen make-over a deep clean is in place.
Get into the cupboards, clean the oven, dust the blinds, wash the curtains, and do not forget to remove the grease that hangs on the exhaust van and on the cabinetry. Not only is it common courtesy to present a house neat and clean, but it also shows you cared about the space, which builds trust with potential buyers.
Step 2: stocktake and budget
Once you cleaned your kitchen thoroughly and tidied it up, you have a good idea of what needs doing. Is the tile grout brittle and dirty? Is the vinyl peeling? The laminate chipped? Do a stocktake of your own kitchen. Look at it with buyers’ eyes. Does it have enough storage? Is the colour dated? Are the doors and drawer fronts yellowing? If you haven’t already: Make a list of all things that need attention. And more importantly: a budget. It is too easy to get carried away during a kitchen makeover. So if you want to ensure to get the best return on investment make sure you set a budget and stick to it.
Step 3: Prioritise and get quotes
You identified the problem zones in your kitchen. You set your budget. All that is needed now: Prioritise and balance the make-over steps. A kitchen makeover typically does not allow replacing everything. So it is important to prioritise the items by cost, importance, and effect. Cabinetry, benchtop, splashback, and appliances are the big expenses. Can you afford to replace them all; if yes, great. If not, you got a starting point.
Get some quotes so you have an idea of what your priority items actually cost. Do you know that you don’t have to get all new kitchen cabinets to get a new looking kitchen? Do you know that you can re-paint cabinet doors and drawers to make them look brand-new for a fraction of the cost of getting new ones? Get some prices. Shop around. You might be surprised, how much you can afford if you start off with some serious planning.
Step 4: Project manage
Remember that brittle tile grout that sprung in your eye, when you did the deep clean? Of course, it cannot stay as it is. It is easy enough to remove the old grout and replace it with a fresh and new one. But hang in there. Don’t get lost or even started on the small stuff before you have finalised the biggies. Grout, door handles and hinges are finishing touches. You don’t want to end up repairing things that get replaced down the track either way. Imagine you replaced the grout and then end up hammering down the tiles and getting a new splashback put in. Excellent project managing might be the biggest money-saver in the whole kitchen-remodel.
Now that you know the 4 steps to planning a successful kitchen makeover, are you ready to start your remodel? Give us a call on 9303 2176 or click here to book a no-strings quote appointment.
Got more questions? Stay tuned for our next blog in this mini-series on kitchen makeovers: kitchen makeover for profit. Have you just completed a kitchen makeover? Comment below and share your very own makeover tops and flops.
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